Bioethics: Medical Science and Technology in Society


Course Title

Bioethics: Medical Science and Technology in Society

Course Description

Science and Technology Studies (STS) is an interdisciplinary field of scholarship that examines how social, cultural, historical, ethical, and political forces impact scientific research and technological development: and, in turn, how our beliefs, values, and perspectives change in response to scientific and technological innovation. This course will take an STS approach to the study of human health and medicine. We will explore how advances in contemporary biomedicine have affected society and culture, and how society and culture influence medical science, technology, and clinical practice. Topics we will explore include objectivity, classification, social justice in biomedical science, cyborgs and human enhancement, and medical systems across cultures.

Course Level

Instructor Name

Course Topics

Disciplinary Perspectives

Geographic Location


Instructional Modality

Institutional Location


Bioethics 319/419: Medical Science and Technology in Society