Honoring the Stories of Illness
Course Title
Honoring the Stories of Illness
Course Description
From Mary Shelley’s "Frankenstein" to Fox TV’s "House," stories about mysterious patients and the doctors who tend to them have captivated audiences. What do the stories we create about disability and disease, about who (and what) has the power to heal, about the fear of death and desire for transcendence tell us about our culture, our history, and the experience of being human? This course invites students to explore these questions (and many more) through a series of themed units. Our overarching goal will be to become well-versed in the ways in which humanistic traditions cultural, literary, and artistic have been invested in representing illness and health and help to ground our critical perspectives in various fields of study, and, on the other hand, how each invites their own interrogation.
Course Level
Instructor Name
Course Topics
Disciplinary Perspectives
Geographic Location
Corpus Christi, TX
Instructional Modality
Institutional Location
Honoring the Stories of Illness